lago maggiore: case vacanza, cultura, gastronomia [veduta del lago]

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The Natural Park of the Lagoni of Mercurago on Lake Maggiore


The Park of The Lagoni of Mercurago develops on an area of 470 hectares, well kept, located in a hill zone and surrounded by five towns, Oleggio Castello, Mercurago, Dormelletto, Arona and Comignago, about 2 km from Lake Maggiore is certainly worth a visit.


It distinguishes itself mainly for the presence of humid zones, such as ponds and swamps, ideal habitat for various species of aquatic flora and theatre of numerous archeology findings, some of which very important, presently preserved in the Museum of Archeology of Arona. Apart from the humid zones, the remaining of the park is made out of fields and forests of pine trees, chestnuts, poplars, oaks, birch, willow trees to mention some, while the fauna is the one typical of the forest: squirrels, foxes, wild rabbits, and of particular interest species of birds, some migratory, such as wild ducks, water rooster, airones, falcons and common buzzardattracted by the natural ponds in the park.


Worth a mention are the green pastures along the park's trails where throughbreed of the famous Dormello-Olgiata breed are raised. The famous Robot was born there.

There are several services available for the visitor, bike trails, picnic areas, and in the headquarters of Mercurago a library and topographic map to help getting around.

For information call the Park's Agencyat: 0322-240239.


To see archeological findings discovered in the park you may visit the Museo Civico Archeologico (Civic Archeological Museum) of Arona located in Piazza San Graziano n. 36.

Opening hours Museum: : dal 15/06 al 15/09 da martedì a domenica dalle ore 16.30 alle19.30

Opening hours: Museum: dal 16/09 al 14/06 da martedì a venerdì dalle ore 9.30 alle 12.30

Saturday and Sundays: ore 15.30 alle 18.30






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